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Message of the Principal

 Dr. Gina A. Barja
Principal II

    My sincerest and heartfelt gratitude to my dear Student Teachers from CBSUA for their/your determination and perseverance to teach their/your students/pupils and learn from their/your experiences and stay here in Minalabac Central School.

   You have been a great help to the teachers and the learners. This opportunity has brought you and somehow equipped you with the things that you will need to learn in the field. It may not be adequate yet still valuable to your life as a future educator.

    Minalabac Central School, Minalabac District is privileged to be chosen as one of the laboratory schools for practicums like you. This school is always welcome and open for another opportune moment for student teachers like you, as for your immersion in the field.

     Thank you very much and may you continue to practice what you have learned in this institution.


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