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The completion of this undertaking could have not been possible without the participation and assistance of all people who may not be enumerated. Their efforts and contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. Still, we would like to express my deepest and sincere appreciation and indebtedness, particularly to the following:

To Almighty God for giving us blessings and energy to face this endeavor.

To our family and friends, who supported us morally and financially. Without you, we cannot arrive at this situation.

To CBSUA, for allowing us to be students and achieve our dream of being educators.

To the CBSUA faculty, for equipping and making us competitive teachers for the future.

To Minalabac Central School, for giving us a chance to practice the teaching styles and pedagogies we have learned in the university. As well as giving a chance to meet wondrous learners.

To Minalabac Central School Teachers and faculty, for letting us be part of their family. Also for allowing us the chance to handle their precious students.

To parents and students, who give respect, appreciation, and cooperation during our stay in the university.

And at the team and family, we made in MCS during our stay.

We are grateful to all those with whom we have had the pleasure to work during our challenging yet fun and educational Teaching Internship.

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